Sunday, March 15, 2009

Liposuction Complications and Dangers

Liposuction is a very popular cosmetic surgery. Because it can be done in a doctor's office and does not have to be done in a hospital, people assume that it is perfectly safe. While most liposuction procedures go well, there is always a risk when you decide to have an elective surgery.

If too much fat is removed from the same area in one treatment, or if too many areas of the body are having liposuction at the same time there is an increased risk of complication. Extensive liposuction can leave the body with sagging skin, dents and bumps. If a patient wants extensive liposuction, the cosmetic surgeon should schedule the procedures a few days apart to give the body time to adjust.

If a patient has an adverse reaction to anesthesia it can result in death, cardiac arrest or cardiac arrhythmia. Some other severe complications of liposuction can be blood clots, internal bleeding, permanent nerve damage, seizures and brain damage from an adverse reaction to anesthesia. These severe complications are rare, but they do happen.

Some minor complications of liposuction are swelling, bruising, scarring, lumps, sagging skin, discolored skin, and numbness. If you suffer from any complication following your surgery, consult your surgeon immediately. Do not allow the problem to persist without seeking medical attention because a minor problem can escalate to a serious one if left untreated.

When consulting with your cosmetic surgeon about a liposuction technique, ask about the possible complications of the surgery. Ensure that you disclose your entire medical history to the surgeon so that you can minimize your risk of a complication. It is very important that the plastic surgeon is aware of all medications you are taking, even if it is a vitamin, because the medication or vitamin can interact with the anesthesia or other drugs that will be administered on the day of surgery.

To further minimize your risk of complications, you should understand the surgeon's post-op instructions. You must follow your surgeon's instructions to avoid complications.

Find out if Liposuction Surgery is for you. Learn more about the procedure from the average cost of liposuction to the dangers of liposuction. Visit for further information.

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More about Liposuction Side Effects here;