Sunday, August 24, 2008

Liposuction Side Effects

Liposuction surgery is usually a last resort. If you can lose weight naturally, then there really is no need to undergo this surgical procedure. However, in certain cases where the patient is medically unable to lose the weight or the weight poses an immediate health risk, liposuction may be unavoidable. It is a costly procedure and painful, although new techniques using smaller cannulae have cut down on the pain and liposuction side effects generally associated with this procedure.

However, like any surgical procedure, there are some considerable risks involved. Liposuction side effects vary from patient to patient, but here is a quick list of some of the most common of them.

Wrinkling - Depending on the elasticity of your skin it is possible to experience some wrinkling after liposuction. If you already have stretch marks and are susceptible to them then there is a good chance that you could see some wrinkling and skin dimpling. Massage can help to minimize this. Your cosmetic surgeon should definitely discuss both wrinkling and post operative massage with you before your surgery.

Swelling and Bruising - It is normal to experience some swelling and bruising after your liposuction and you should expect it. Depending on the area you've had liposuction on the type and severity of bruising can vary. Abdominal liposuction is known to cause bruising and swelling even in the genital area so be aware of this possibility if you are having abdominal liposuction. This swelling and bruising is due to gravity pulling fluids downwards. Both massage and some type of compression can help to reduce this.

Pain and discomfort - This is associated with swelling and bruising and is quite common after liposuction surgery. It can feel similar to the soreness experienced after a very hard session of weight lifting. It usually disappears within a couple of weeks and is easily managed with pain medications.

Muscle spasms - It is common to experience muscle spasms in the region of your liposuction. This should disappear fairly quickly after your surgery.
Changes in sensation - This will happen in the region of the liposuction and can be either decreased or increased sensitivity. Massage will help in most cases and the changes are typically not permanent although they can last for several months.
Besides the above mentioned common liposuction side effects there are also some more severe complications that can be experienced after liposuction. These include infections, fluid imbalances, perforations, anesthesia risks and embolisms.

As you can see from the list above, some of the liposuction side effects can pose a risk to your life. With today's modern techniques, liposuction side effects have been greatly reduced. Bruising, which happens on a regular basis usually disappears within a few weeks of undergoing the surgery. Swelling, another side effect that happens every time, will improve gradually over months. Within 1-3 months of having the surgery, the swelling usually heals.

In most cases, the surgery is a complete success, and the liposuction side effects can be dealt with using nothing more powerful than a Tylenol 3 with Codeine.In order to cut down on the risk of suffering from liposuction side effects, you should choose an experienced doctor to perform the operation. Your surgeon should explain all of the possible liposuction side effects with you before you undergo the surgery. It's also wise to choose a surgeon who works in your general vicinity. This way if you do suffer from any side effects, they will be immediately accessible to you.

In most cases the liposuction side effects associated with liposuction surgery are minimal. The patient goes home within a day of having the surgery, and depending on how much fat they've had removed, can usually go back to work within a week. Choosing a competent, qualified liposuction surgeon should be your first step when considering this type of procedure.

Liposuction Side Effects